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The Mentally Happy Athlete

Welcome to the GRT series of on-line articles. I am very happy to contribute some of my knowledge and observations I have accumulated over the years. My goal is to share it with you, the subscribers, all that I can with contributions from leaders in the trampoline, acrobatic and gymnatics industries. I sincerely hope that it will help at least one person to achieve their goals beyond their expectations.

The Mentally Happy Athlete

As the name stipulates, my contribution will aim to help people reach what I would call the ideal mental happiness from an athletic perspective. In an era where everything can be analyzed and measured quite accurately, I believe we have yet to find an effective way or technique to measure the mental happiness quotient (MHQ) of an athlete. Furthermore, it has been my observation that very little effort or desire is spent by parents, coaches and even the athlete him/herself in improving the MHQ.


This statement is still at the theory stage, however, I would challenge anyone to utilize it with your favourite team's performance or even with your own personal experiences and you will soon conclude that this theory has plenty of evidences proving its validity.

What is a 'mentally happy' athlete?

A mentally happy happy athlete with the highest MHQ is basically an athlete with the ideal/perfect state of mind which will allow the athlete's physical aptitudes express itself without any mental interference. Think about your best performance and it is pretty much guaranteed that your MHQ was quite high. On the other hand, your worst performances were probably preceded by a much lower MHQ. Once you applied the MHQ theory to any sports related results ( team or individuals) in the news today, you will discover a brand new way to look at sport. Obviously, you may not be privy of the true MHQ of the athlete or team prior to the actual competition, however, with a bit of research like pre game/competition interviews, you can get a very good estimate.

That being said, nothing like victories or above expected results to instantly raise the MHQ of an athlete or a team. The opposite is also true. Once again, post game/competition interviews will give you all the hints you need.

How to improve your MHQ before a game/competition?

Now that you may realize the impact of such a theory onto your own performance, this should be the first question on your mind, after all, if you are a competitive athlete or someone training competitive athletes, you know that any opportunity to master one more tool in your tool box can only help you. There are many ways and techniques to improve instantly your MHQ. Unlike physical attributes which can take years of dedication, discipline and continuous training to achieve, you can theoretically improve your MHQ to its highest level instantly as your subconscious part of your brain, mainly responsible for your MHQ has no sense of time. Time is a concept of your conscious part of your brain. That conscious part of your brain is actually the MHQ worst enemy.

In my next article, which will appear every week, I will discuss one of the way you can improve your MHQ through one simple exercise. Until then, I am leaving you with one question;

Who was the first male trampoline athlete to win gold at the Olympics when the sport was introduced in 2000?.

Once you find out, send your answer to: in order to collect points and earn prizes! ( Another easy way to raise your MHQ!).

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